11-07-2024 – BLOG / blog

Lisa S.r.l – Digital innovation in the outdoor kitchen sector


During the last decade, the way companies have operated in the furniture sector has been completely revolutionized by technological innovation, also involving the outdoor kitchen segment. A significant example of this transformation is represented by “Lisa”, a leader in the outdoor kitchen sector, which has recently implemented an innovative personalized online configurator on its corporate website.

The Challenge

Lisa recognized the importance of offering its customers a unique and engaging shopping experience. The outdoor kitchen market is constantly growing, with consumers becoming increasingly demanding in terms of customization and quality. The challenge was therefore to stand out from the competition by providing a digital tool that allowed customers and retailers to design their own outdoor kitchen in a simple, intuitive, and personalized way.

The Solution

To achieve this goal, Lisa chose to collaborate with Arcadia. Together, they developed a customized online configurator, ADA BE, integrated directly into the corporate website. This tool not only allows users to enter the desired number of units and select the type of appliances (e.g., sink, refrigerator, charcoal, and gas barbecue, etc.), size, front layout (doors, drawers, baskets), and color, but in the version personalized for the sales force, it also allows for quotations. This includes real-time updating of the total and the breakdown of individual items with prices and surcharges (for example, for the faucet hole).

The Benefits

The introduction of the configurator has brought numerous advantages for both Lisa and its customers:
1. 360° Availability: All that is needed is an internet connection to use the configurator anytime, anywhere, and on any device, without the need for installation.
2. Improved Customer Experience: Customers can now design their ideal outdoor kitchen comfortably from home, immediately visualizing how the finished product will look.
3. Operational Efficiency: The configurator reduces design and approval times, optimizing the entire sales process.
4. Market Differentiation: This innovative tool allows Lisa to stand out from the competition, strengthening its position as a leader in the sector.


Lisa’s case demonstrates how the adoption of advanced digital technologies can radically transform the way companies operate in the furniture sector. Thanks to the customized online configurator developed with Arcadia, Lisa has not only improved the experience for its customers but has also strengthened its market competitiveness, confirming its role as an innovator in the outdoor kitchen sector. To learn more about Lisa’s online configurator, visit the website and discover how to design the outdoor kitchen of your dreams!